Imagine you found a magic rocket in your library. Would you climb in? Would you press the big red button that says ‘lift off’?


That’s what Zena, Pip and Libro did when they found a rocket in the corner of their library, hidden behind a bookshelf…


Zena, Pip and Libro climbed into the rocket. The door closed behind them.


“What does that red button do?” Pip asked, looking around.


“Press it!” Zena said.


Pip shook his head. “We don’t know what will happen.”


Libro mewed then hit the button with his paw. At once, a robotic voice started counting down from TEN.


“Libro, what have you done?” Pip shouted.


“SEVEN. SIX. FIVE,” the robotic voice continued.


“The air is glittering!” Zena said. “What’s that tinkly noise? It sounds like magic. ”


“THREE. TWO. ONE,” the robot voice said. “Your quest is starting!”


The rocket filled with bright light. Zena and Pip covered their ears as the noise got louder. They could hear animals roaring, water flowing, people laughing, cars racing by. So many sounds, all at once!


“We’re taking off!” Pip yelled.


“Meow!” Libro said happily.


Then, everything went quiet. They stared out of the window in amazement.


“We’re in space!” Zena said.


“There’s a planet over there!” Pip said. “And look at our clothes!”


Their jumpers and trousers had vanished. They were wearing spacesuits instead. Libro was too! The rocket door slid open and they floated out of the door. Space was massive. Endless, in fact. A shooting star zoomed past, leaving a trail as it went.

Zena reached for another star. It looked close enough to touch. There was something written on it. That’s odd, she thought, looking more closely.


It was just one word. Tell.


She frowned. What was there to tell?


Pip waved. Zena waved back. He pointed at something nearby. It was a door, sitting on a meteorite. Then she heard his voice through the microphone in her helmet.


“It’s Libro!”


“Where is Libro?” she asked.


“He went through that door!”


Zena gasped. The door was swirling like a spinning-top. It had to be magic. Who knew where it led? But Libro was their friend and they had to find him.


They floated towards the door. A gust of wind pulled them through. They started tumbling through whirling rainbow-coloured clouds.


“Where are we going?” Pip wailed.


“I don’t know!” Zena said.


Moments later, they landed with a bump. What they saw was not what they expected.


Zena reached for another star. It looked close enough to touch. There was something written on it. That’s odd, she thought, looking more closely.


It was just one word. Tell.


She frowned. What was there to tell?


Pip waved. She waved back. He pointed at something nearby. It was a door, sitting on a meteorite. Then she heard his voice through the microphone in her helmet.


“It’s Libro!”


“Where is Libro?” she asked.


“He went through that door!”


Zena gasped. The door was swirling like a spinning-top. It had to be magic. Who knew where it led? But Libro was their friend and they had to find him.


They floated towards the door. A gust of wind pulled them through. They started tumbling through whirling rainbow-coloured clouds.


“Where are we going?” Pip wailed.


“I don’t know!” Zena said.


Moments later, they landed with a bump. What they saw was not what they expected.